Security Compliance

Swizzle Innovations Private Limited places paramount importance on safeguarding your data through robust security practices. Our commitment is to ensure the highest level of privacy and protection for your information, with a specific focus on our Software as a Service (SaaS) offerings. This document articulates our comprehensive and sophisticated security measures, continuously refined to align with the latest industry standards.


Product Security

Swizzle Innovations employs rigorous measures to fortify the security of our applications. Techniques such as contextual data encoding and escaping are strategically implemented across all software modules to mitigate the risk of security threats. Our database queries adhere to best practices, utilizing parameterized statements, escaping, and pattern checks to eliminate injection vulnerabilities. Access to the database is meticulously restricted, granting permission only to web and mobile application logins with access to specific, requested information.


Our data encryption methodology at the application level involves a secure API key mechanism for validating devices seeking information from the server. Requests undergo meticulous validation against encrypted keys, and user passwords are securely stored using adaptive hashing algorithms.

Data Transport

All communication between client applications and our servers is conducted through a robust encrypted channel, ensuring the confidentiality and security of data during transit over the internet.

Account Security

Swizzle Innovations prioritizes account security by maintaining detailed logs for each user during login and session provisioning. Device information and IP addresses are stored, facilitating the remote termination of unauthorized device connections. User sessions for both the mobile and web applications are managed server-side, with each request undergoing rigorous authorization and permission validation. Access to server data requires a valid encrypted key as a mandatory element.

Servers and Regulatory Adherence

Our servers are hosted in top-tier data centers committed to the highest standards of quality, management, integrity, and control over regulated data. Governance and regulatory concerns are systematically addressed throughout the development and data hosting processes.

OWASP Best Practices Integration

In strict adherence to the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) best practices, Swizzle Innovations adopts a proactive stance in identifying and mitigating potential web application security risks. Our security measures intricately align with the comprehensive guidelines laid out by OWASP, ensuring a robust defense against vulnerabilities and fortifying the overall resilience of our applications.

DDoS Prevention

Swizzle Innovations utilizes cutting-edge technologies from reputable service providers to prevent DDoS attacks. These technologies offer robust mitigation capabilities, allowing only legitimate traffic while blocking malicious traffic, maintaining high availability and performance of websites, applications, and APIs.

At Swizzle Innovations, we are dedicated to providing a secure environment for your data, with a specific emphasis on our Software as a Service (SaaS) offerings, through a sophisticated and comprehensive security infrastructure that aligns with industry best practices.